Sunday, March 15, 2009

The New Face of James

Here is the latest look for James. He looks so handsome in a white shirt and tie!


Anonymous said...

what a handsome man!! it's so awesome that we all came together to make this happen for james! whose next??!!

Anonymous said...

James - you look fantastic! I'm so proud of your strength and courage. Many hugs!

Anonymous said...

Wow!!! Its a new man! I only got to see you today and I was serfing all the web to find out more and see the improvements. Being a real blonde I cannot understand how I can donate (I do have a PayPal account, though).
It is, as many times said, very encouraging and touching. It takes a strong hearted man to hold your chin up and moreover to spread so much positive energy around.
I am on a different continent, but my heart right there with you.
Again, very touching. So much improvement!
Have a fantastic new life!

adedroff said...

James what strength and courage, you are awesome! Our daughter Jeneece has NF which has severely affected her spine. She is now awaiting her 8th spinal surgery in September. She too is very much like you a spirited individual. She is an icon here in BC for her work to fundraise. At 15 she has raised more than 1.5 million dollars for Variety and most of that in pennies. Check out her website at you are an angel James.

Anonymous said...

James, I saw program with a segment featuring you.I have to say that your story is touching and inspiring. I am a nurse working for a cosmetic dermatologist, we mainly treat cosmetic dermatology concerns with the exception of scar revision and portwine birthmarks. I much prefer treating scars and disfiguring birthmarks as the people I meet are real and realistic as to what is important in our daily lives. I love seeing personalities blossom as we make changes to our clients apperances, especially the young children. Like your mom said we are all born with a handicap, some visible....some not. I think you are an amazing individual and wish the judgemental people could all walk a day in your shoes to learn some life lessons. You are inspiring and have reminded me not to sweat the small stuff. Your surgery looks are an inspiration!!

Anonymous said...

Hello James!! You have a great story and to see that you are paying it forward to help others is a true testament of the person you are!! Heard your story on Global and was greatly moved by your story that I had to share this with you. Not sure if this will help you but you should try a product called Youth Juice! It's all natural and shipped right of Seattle, Washington. Not saying it will help but it has helped a lot of people. Check it out for sure.

Sheena said...

You are such an inspiration to me james. I love how strong you are. Most people like myself would just let fear dictate our lives but you are so courageous and seem like such a sweet man. You're an attractive man. If I wasnt married, I would definetly be interested. I hope all goes well for you =) Take care.

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